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Mar, 2025

Training of Operations Team at Mon Office

On 10th March 25, a refresher training for the Hamara Grid operations team was organised at Mon Office, Nagaland. A total of 10 Project Officers participated in the training. The Operations training was conducted by Col. Vijay, Managing Director; Rick, Regional Manager, Mon and Sudeshna, Operations Director.

Following topics were discussed in a participatory manner:

  • 1. Scope of Operations in the solar mini grid ecosystem
  • 2. Skills and expertise of Project Officer- Operations
  • 3. Organizing and planning work – Repair& maintenance, meter reading & recharging, community rapport and demand generation activities
  • 4. Managing manpower
  • 5. Critical Issues faced in Operations
  • 6. Importance of demand generation in mini grid ecosystem
  • 7. Different approaches/ strategies/ tools for demand generation activities in the operational villages
  • 8. Role of the Project Officer in demand acquisition

The training sessions were made lively through real scenario-painting exercises, group presentations by the participants and role-plays.

This training is a part of a continuous series of capacity building sessions for internal team strengthening of Hamara Grid.

Feb, 2025

Technical Capacity Building of Team Hamara Grid on solar mini grid installations

A three-days (20th -22nd Feb 25) technical training on solar mini grid installation was organised at Lapalampong village in Mon district, Nagaland.

The training was conducted by Lalan Kumar, Head Technical and Rick Ranjan Pal, Regional Manager, Mon, Hamara Grid.

This technical training was attended by 10 Project Officers.

The following topics were covered during the three-days training:

  • 1. Pre-installation technical survey, processes and documentation.
  • 2. Village / site sketch with distance/ measurements.
  • 3. Transmission & Distribution (T&D) line mapping.
  • 4. Pole excavation, erection, clamp and bracket fitting.
  • 5. Stay wire connections and cabling as part of T&D works.
  • 6. MMS installation and AJB connection.
  • 7. AJB connection and connection of battery, diesel genset and energy meter to the inverter.
  • 8. Meter box installation and fitting on the metal poles.
  • 9. Earthing works and lightning arrestor installation.
  • 10. Technical report preparation.
  • 11. Inventory and material management at the field level.
  • 12.Mandatory safety standards to be maintained during the mini grid installation process.

The training sessions were conducted in an interactive manner with live and practical demonstrations. All the participants developed a clear understanding on the solar mini grid installation processes.

Feb, 2025

Technical Capacity Building of Team Hamara Grid on Caterpillar (CAT) mini grid system

A two-days (18th and 19th Feb 25) technical training on Caterpillar (CAT) mini grid system was organised at Lapalampong village in Mon district, Nagaland. Lapalampong is being powered through a CAT solar mini grid from September 2024. The training was conducted by Lalan Kumar, Head Technical and was attended by 8 Project Officers of Hamara Grid.

The following topics were covered during the two-day training:

  • 1. Single Line diagram (SLD) of CAT mini grid
  • 2. PV Module and AJB connection in the context of CAT mini grid
  • 3. Cable connections of all electronic equipments.
  • 4. Overview of PV inverter
  • 5. Understand all the internal components of XES 120 (Li-ion battery bank, MPPT, Cerbo gx, ECM)
  • 6. Operation and maintenance of XES 120, PV Inverter, Battery bank, Cerbo gx etc.
  • 7. Safety standards to be maintained while operating the XES 120

The training sessions were extremely hands-on and were conducted in a participatory manner. Live technical demonstrations were given to the participants for their better understanding of CAT mini grid system.

All the participants developed a clear understanding on the technical components of a CAT mini grid system and its operations and maintenance functions. This technical training is a part of a series of technical and operations trainings that have been planned out for the internal capacity building of Team Hamara Grid in the first two quarters of 2025.

Jan, 2025

Hamara Grid Annual Stakeholders’ Meet

A cohort of partners for the Nagaland Rural Development through Mini-grids Project met at Kolkata on 31st January 2025 to take stock of progress, learnings, chart the way forward to scale. The meeting was attended by our partners GEAPP, Caterpillar Inc., Assist International, DOEN Foundation, Shell Foundation and PowerTrust. The Directors of Hamara Grid governing board were present as well. The discussions were insightful, vibrant and fruitful. It is exciting times for Team Hamara as the project prepares to scale to 75 villages of Nagaland. We pledge to make it happen with the development of the communities at the heart of the project.

Nov, 2024

Inauguration of the two Solar Mini Grids at Hongpoi and Pongkong villages in Mon, Nagaland by Shri Wangpang Konyak, Honorable MLA and Advisor to Department of Social Welfare, Govt. of Nagaland

Two solar mini grids were inaugurated at Hongpoi and Pongkong villages on 7th November and 8th November 2024 by Shri Wangpang Konyak, Honorable MLA and Advisor to Department of Social Welfare, Govt. of Nagaland. The mini grids were funded under his LADP 2024-2025. The inauguration ceremonies were graced by the senior members of the respective Village Councils, including the Chairman and blessed by the local Church Authorities. The Regional Manager of Hamara Grid in Mon, Shri Shyamal Bera and team members also attended the inauguration function. In his speech, Shri Wangpang Konyak mentioned that the solar mini grid project would not only ensure 24x7 clean energy access in the operational villages but would go a long way in spurring livelihood development in the operational villages. He thanked the Hamara Grid team and all the local stakeholders for their contribution and wanted to further collaborate with Hamara Grid / MRDF for powering additional villages in Mon, Nagaland through mini-grids. For Team Hamara Grid, support from elected people’s representatives will contribute enormously to the scaling of this flagship project in Mon District, Nagaland.

Nov, 2024

Meeting with Madam Phangnon Konyak, member of Rajya Sabha (MP), Nagaland in Mon

On 1st November 24, Hamara Grid Regional Manager, Mr. Shyamal Kumar Bera along with Logistics Officer, Mr. Ape Konyak was invited to meet Madam Phangnon Konyak at her residence in Mon town, Nagaland. Madam Phangnon was very keen to know about Hamara Grid’s flagship Solar Electrification Project in Mon district. Shyamal presented her an overview of the project which is now spread across 17 operational villages in Mon district impacting over 25,200 Konyak lives and livelihoods. Shyamal elaborated on the objective of this flagship project, partnership with key stakeholders including Mon District administration and its deep impact in terms of 24x7 supply of reliable and affordable solar energy in the remote villages, increasing local employment and diversifying livelihood opportunities in remote Mon villages. Madam Phangnon was very happy with the project outcomes. She wanted to contribute towards scaling of the project across eastern Nagaland and wished Hamara Grid’s project all success!!

July, 2024

“4th Foundation Day of Hamara Grid”

We are very happy to announce that Hamara Grid celebrated its 4th Foundation Day on 29th July 2024 at Mon Office, Nagaland. On this day we renewed and reinforced our deep commitment to work in the remote, rural villages of Mon district, Nagaland for socio-economic development of the local Konyak communities through the platform of solar mini grids based renewable energy. Onwards and Upwards, Team Hamara Grid!!

Jun, 2024

Dimapur Roundtable on Scaling Rural Development through Mini Grids in Nagaland and North-East India.

May, 2024

Hamara Grid began work on three new mini-grids at Lapalampong, Wakching and Totok Chingnyu as part of a pilot in partnership with Caterpillar Inc and Assist International.

May, 2024

“Financial Inclusion and Empowerment in remote villages of Nagaland”

Village communities in Eastern Nagaland must travel 40 to 50 km over difficult terrain to access a bank. Banks were reluctant to open branches to service remote villages as reliable electricity was a problem. They need to have 24x7 power for their servers to retain important data and for day-to-day functioning of teller machines, computers and lighting. Diesel generators are not a solution as the nearest fuel station is 60 km away.

Times are changing. Banks such as Canara Bank, Indian Bank and Yes Bank are opening bank branches in remote locations in Mon District. Hamara’s ‘Rural Development through Solar Mini-grids Project’ in Mon District of Nagaland is able to support such empowerment by providing 24x7 reliable and clean energy to power the bank branches.

Angphang Village in Angjangyang division of Mon District recently got a bank branch in their village. Hamara Grid could connect them with their solar mini-grid and ensure a win-win for the village and the bank. The lives of 20,000 people in 3400 households across 11 villages in Angjangyang division changed forever.
Click Here

Apr, 2024

“Hamara Grid commissions its 10th mini-grid”

Hamara Grid commissioned four new mini-grids in the villages of Angphang, Sheangah Tangten, Sheangah Chingnyu and Tangnyu in Mon District of Nagaland in February 2024 taking it to a total of ten mini-grids.

Jan, 2024

“Hamara Grid work has figured as a case study on the are website and has been posted on LinkedIn”

Jan, 2024

An update on the Hamara Grid work has been featured by Alliance for Rural Electrification as a case study “Hamara Grid – Challenges in installation & operation of solar mini-grids in remote, rural areas (India)” Click Here

Sep, 2023

“Training of master trainers on Banana Fiber handicrafts value chain”

In keeping with Hamara Grid objective of empowering village artisans on various micro-enterprises, a 10 days capacity building training for 6 master trainers from Totok chingha village is being organized at Nedfi, Khetri, Guwahati.

The 6 women master trainers are being trained on the entire value chain including selecting the right stems, operating the extraction machine, braiding the banana fibers and barks into market oriented final handicrafts.

Hamara grid will continue to support the SHG women in capacity building, providing affordable finance, nuances of the business chain and access to markets.

This will provide a means of additional income for 5-10 women in 6 operational villages of Hamara Grid. Subsequently it is planned to scale this model to over hundred villages of Nagaland.

Aug, 2023

“Closed loop value chain in Mon Villages (Nagaland) - Maize Crop”

Maize crop is nearing harvest time in Mon, Nagaland. Hamara Grid staff has begun the process of bulk procurement from the farmers offering mandi price (available on their smart phones) at the village. The maize is processed into livestock feed by village entrepreneurs and sold to piggery and poultry units run by women SHG members. This saves costs and commission fees, creates and sustains village livelihoods, contributes to income growth and is a win-win for farmers, entrepreneurs and women groups.

Hamara Grid is expanding this model to over 100 villages of the Mon District!

Jul, 2023

“Hamara Grid Turns 3!”

Team Hamara Grid fittingly celebrated their third Foundation Day at Changlang village in the Mon District of Nagaland. As we move into expansion phase to build and operate100 mini-grids in as many villages in the most remote of terrains and adverse weather we resolve once again to keep the economic development of our villages at the top of our agenda.

We also thank our partners for helping us get this far!!

Nov, 2022

Read More -                    

Aug, 2022

Read More -Click Here

Jul, 2022

We had a joyous celebration of our second foundation day on 29th July’2022 at Mon, Nagaland. It was celebrated with office decorations, cake cutting, team reflections on our two-year journey of growth followed by a sumptuous team lunch. It was indeed a milestone that we achieved with support from our partners and well-wishers. We are all committed to keep the growth momentum on!

Jul, 2022

Hamara Grid team meeting with Shri. Ajit Verma, IAS, new Deputy Commissioner of Mon District, Nagaland

Jun, 2022
Mar, 2022

Feb, 2022




Feb, 2022

“The Mithun Rural Development Foundation (MRDF) targets 100% adoption of mini-grids by Mon district households”

The Government of Nagaland represented by the Mon District Administration and Mithun Rural Development Foundation (MRDF) signed a 20-year agreement to set up Mini-Grids in rural Nagaland on Jan 24, 2022

  • • The program aims to provide reliable access to electricity for the last mile and promoting the adoption of green energy sources, covering 1000 villages in the next seven years.

February 24, 2022- Nagaland: In a pioneering initiative to deliver last-mile access to electricity in rural areas of the north-eastern state of Nagaland, the Mon District Administration and Mithun Rural Development Foundation (MRDF) inaugurated their first of the three mini-grids at Totokchingha village yesterday. It was inaugurated by Shri. N. Thongwang Konyak, MLA, Mon District. The two other solar mini grids at Chenwetnyu and Longkei will be inaugurated in the month of March 2022. The two organizations recently signed a 20-year agreement to set up Mini-Grids in rural Nagaland in January this year.

Read More -The Mithun Rural Development Foundation (MRDF) targets 100% adoption of mini-grids by Mon district households | This Week India

Jan, 2022

In conjunction with NABARD and Smart Power India [SPI], the MRDF team has just installed the first three-phase productive load in the state of Nagaland. The 7.5 HP rice huller installed on the 27th of January in Longkei village, Mon district, was powered completely by the village’s recently installed solar mini-grid. The consistent and high quality electricity provided by our mini-grid is one that local entrepreneurs can confidently rely on, creating fertile conditions for the development of micro-enterprises. Moreover, this milestone propels us towards achieving our aim of increasing village incomes by 20% year-on-year, an objective at the heart of our effort.

This marks the first micro-enterprise to be incubated by our team in the region, one of over 1300 we hope to incubate across 132 villages in Mon district over the next three and a half years, and over 10,000 across Nagaland in the next decade. These are invariably powered by renewable electricity, ensuring climate conscious development where it is most necessary.

Jan, 2022

The Mon District Administration, Government of Nagaland, and Mithun Rural Development Foundation (MRDF) sign a 20-year agreement to set up mini-Grids in rural Nagaland.

Aug, 2021

“Our Director, Operations in Conversation with Smart Power Connect.”

Read More

Jul, 2021

“We had a joyous celebration of our first foundation day on 29th July’2021. It was celebrated with office decorations, cake cutting, team reflections on our one-year journey of growth followed by a sumptuous team lunch. It was indeed a milestone that we achieved with support from our partners and well-wishers. We are all committed to keep the growth momentum on!”

Jun, 2021

Webinar Report - Building EU-India Technology Partnerships to Promote Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) as Source of Reliable Energy Access to Power Rural India.

May, 2021

Editorial Note by Col. Vijay Bhaskar

Mar, 2021

Women as Catalysts in the Future of Energy Access

Sudeshna Mukherjee, Director – Operations Hamara Grid, was a key speaker in the global webinar on ‘Women as catalysts in future energy access’ hosted by Rockefeller Foundation, Smart Power India and Power for All on 18th March, 2021. Click Here

Mar, 2021

Nurturing Women Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development Goals

Sep, 2020

Training on Demand Generation Strategy for Solar Mini Grids

Sep, 2020

The Demand Professionals

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